Practical design & patent registration

Multiple Effect Concentration System

Overview / Usage Comparison of Products Sturcture/Operation

제품비교 (Comparison)

At present, multiple effect concentration system of Vacuum Plant enables operation with 1 set of vacuum pump. Patent and PTC are applied for in various countries including Korea and Japan. Existing multiple effect concentration system has separate evaporator tank for transfer pump and vacuum pump, requiring expensive manufacturing cost and big installation space.
In addition, if the waste liquid is corrosive such as strong acidity, pump may suffer from frequent damage and excessive operation cost, resulting in excessive operation cost and suspension of work even if corrosion-resistant material is used for internal liquid transfer pump. It can reduce the unit cost and operation cost over 40% by solving problems and expand the scope of application with almost no failure, resulting in economic and efficient operation.

Existing style
Vacuumplant side


Its compact structure reduces the burden of users in terms of installation space, and is superior to existing system in terms of manufacturing cost and failure. In particular, its energy consumption rate from concentration(evaporation) is much smaller than existing system.