Non-Stop Process

Passage Type Vacuum Cleaning Dryer

연속식 통과형 진공세척기
Structure & 3-Dimensional Image Cleaning Process Installation Case Features of Vacuumplant

Feature of vacuumplant

1. Complete installation and trial operation within 3 days for site installation
– Perfect test before shipping
2. Patent product - Cleaner related
  • 24 cases of patent registration
  • 2 cases of practical design registration(complete technical evaluation)
  • 3 cases of patent application
3. Mechanical backup of vacuum plant for stable continuous auto operation for 24 hours a day 365 days a year
1. How to supply heat capacity required for recycling of detergent and heating of cleaner
Existing typeVacuumplant
Use steam or heat medium
– heat medium carbonization, oil leakage, frozen rupture at winter season, heater damage, generation of scale
Guarantee stable operation at all times without generation of scale as well as solution of existing problem with vacuum heating method
(※ Patent Specification- Vacuum heating method)
2. How to recycle used wastes cleaner (waste solvent) continuously
Existing typeVacuumplant
1-stage evaporation
– If evaporating wastes liquid continuously, element of wastes liquid not evaporated in evaporator increases and amount of distillation(amount of recycling) drops, recycling purity drops according to droplet generation for continuous recycling.
Vacuum 2 stage distillation type
– Bulk distillation from 1-stage distiller
– Concentrated discharge from 2-stage distiller
Minimization of liquid consumption, stabilized recycling amount
(※ Patent Specification – 2 stage vacuum distillation method)
3. For Vacuum Disposition Cleaning
Existing typeVacuumplant
Bubbling at disposition with supply of N2 GAS(nitrogen)
(amount of N2 used – 40 million won per year)
Perfect up-down movement of product at vacuum status with vacuum cylinder
– Excellent cleaning function
– minimization of liquid consumption
– no supply of nitrogen
(※ Patent Specification – Vacuum tilting type )
4. No digging of pit at installation.
Existing typeVacuumplant
Certain height required for natural drain with regard to movement of wash liquid to cleaning room and storage room, requiring PIT.
location of storage room below cleaning room
Can move cleaner if storage room is located at upper part of cleaning room if supplying or recovering the liquid to storage room and cleaning room by vacuum liquid movement method
(※ Patent Specification – how to move liquid between tanks )
4. Increase in cleaning product temperature - reach certain temperature at vacuum drying
Existing typeVacuumplant
Heat cleaning room for keeping high temperature of cleaner and cleaning room
– generation of safety problem
Energy over-consumption
High possibility of A/S
Move solvent evaporation to cleaning room as necessary using cleaner vacuum evaporated at vacuum distillation·recycling and increase the temperature of cleaning product as required for vacuum drying at short period of time. In addition, enable rinse by solvent vapor
(※ Patent Specification – vacuum vapor heating )
5. Half of vacuum cleaner function is the recycling of vacuum solvent. We have supplied over 800 units of vacuum plants with related to various solvent recycling device with experience for over 17 years in this area.
6. Guarantee upgraded cleaning function and stable operation with combination of various vacuum functions
  • Vacuum impregnation : effects of cleaner penetration
  • Vacuum liquid transfer : effects of strong waterfall cleaning
  • Vacuum distillation : high-purity vacuum recycling of waste cleaner
  • Vacuum drying : removal of foreign materials with instant evaporation (bumping drying)
  • 2 stage vacuum exhaust system : dry type + wet type perfect resolution