Patent on a new device
Technical Subject


  • Multiple effect concentration system and method

    Multiple effect concentration system and method

  • Vacuum cleaning dry system & method

    Vacuum cleaning dry system & method

  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator

  • Vacuum cleaning dry system

    Vacuum cleaning dry system

  • Vacuum dry system

    Vacuum dry system

  • Long pipe cleaning &dry system

    Long pipe cleaning &dry system

  • 에어실린더의 로드를 왕복운동 시키는 장치

    에어실린더의 로드를 왕복운동 시키는 장치

  • 진공방청장치


  • Vacuum cleaning dry system

    Vacuum cleaning dry system

  • Vacuum cleaning system

    Vacuum cleaning system

  • 연속 박스 세척건조장치

    연속 박스 세척건조장치

  • Vacuum cleaning system

    Vacuum cleaning system

  • 세척실내의 고온 세척액 수위레벨을 파악하는 장치

    세척실내의 고온 세척액 수위레벨을 파악하는 장치

  • 가열실내의 고온 세척액 수위레벨을 파악하는 장치

    가열실내의 고온 세척액 수위레벨을 파악하는 장치

  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator

  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator

  • Agitation of the washing drying device

    Agitation of the washing drying device

  • Vacuum cleaning system and vacuum cleaning dry method

    Vacuum cleaning system and vacuum cleaning dry method

  • Vacuum evaporator

    Vacuum evaporator

  • Vacuum evaporator

    Vacuum evaporator

  • Pipe cleaning equipment

    Pipe cleaning equipment

  • Device sending and receiving liquid between tanks using vacuum pump

    Device sending and receiving liquid between tanks using vacuum pump

  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator

  • Waste activated carbon treatment device and how to handle waste activated carbon

    Waste activated carbon treatment device and how to handle waste activated carbon

  • Chapter tube cleaning system and method for nuclear

    Chapter tube cleaning system and method for nuclear


Patent on a new device

  • Multiple effect concentration system

    Multiple effect concentration system

  • Stirring method on cleaning dry room of vacuum cleaning dry system

    Stirring method on cleaning dry room of vacuum cleaning dry system

  • Stirring method on cleaning dry room of vacuum cleaning dry system - Practical

    Stirring method on cleaning dry room of vacuum cleaning dry system – Practical


  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator

  • Vapor liquid separator

    Vapor liquid separator



  • Award from head of Ministry of Knowledge Economy

    Award from head of Ministry of Knowledge Economy

  • Award from head of Public Procurement Service

    Award from head of Public Procurement Service

Technical Subject

DivisionPatent/Program NameRemarks
Technical Projectdevelopment of fly ash processing method and device for removal of dioxine from trash burner using vacuum pyrolysiscooperation between industries,
schools and research centers
development of fly ash processing method and device for removal of dioxine from trash burner using vacuum pyrolysissmall business administration
development of 5 stage effect concentrator with operation using vacuum difference rather than ion pumpsmall business administration
development of solvent recovery type vacuum cleaning dry system for cleaning of IT partscooperation between industries,
schools and research centers